
The Board is the governing body of NVPC and has the responsibility of ensuring that NVPC is governed and managed responsibly and prudently to achieve organisational effectiveness, credibility, and sustainability.

Roles & Responsibilities

The NVPC Board as a whole is responsible for the following tasks, and each Director plays a part in it:

a. Review the vision and mission statements of NVPC to keep its goals and objectives relevant.

b. Focus on policy, strategy, and governance of NVPC.

c. Discuss and approve the strategic plans and annual work plans of NVPC and ensure that they are aligned with the vision and mission of NVPC.

d. Review NVPC’s constitution, as necessary.

e. Set policies and guidelines for financial limits, internal control procedures, and budget overspending.

f. Review and approve the annual budget and financial statements of NVPC.

g. Review periodic work progress reports and financial reports to monitor and evaluate NVPC’s performance.

h. Recommend the external auditor for approval by Members of the Company.

i. Appoint members to standing or ad hoc sub-committees to review, recommend or endorse operational plans in areas such as HR, Finance, Awards, etc.

j. Select, support, and assess the Chief Executive Officer.

k. Provide advice to the Chief Executive Officer and staff as a partner in achieving the vision and mission of NVPC.

l. Plan for development, succession, and diversity of the NVPC Board.

m. Define policies on acceptance of controversial or huge donations.

n. Steer executive transitions.

Appointment & Recruitment

Directors of the Board are appointed based on merit of their calibre, experience, stature, ability to contribute towards the mission and vision of the organisation, as well as networks and relationships they bring which are of strategic importance to the organisation.

As part of the Board succession planning and renewal process, Directors are appointed for a term of up to two years and shall be eligible for re-appointment. The Nominations Committee has oversight of the appointment and re-appointment of Directors. It has in place a formal process for the renewal of the Board and the selection of new Directors.

Board renewal takes into account the present and future needs of NVPC. The Nominations Committee conducts an annual review of the Board’s composition to ensure suitability, diversity and relevance to the organisation’s strategic needs. To identify potential candidates for appointment to the Board of Directors, the Nominations Committee taps on 1) Boardmatch, a service run by the Centre for Non-Profit Leadership (CNPL) as the first port of call, and 2) Directors’ networks. The Committee evaluates the nominations based on the needs of NVPC and the skill gaps of the Board. It also considers the need for diversity in terms of gender, ethnicity, expertise, and sectoral experience. The Board Chair will meet with the shortlisted candidate(s) to assess their suitability and make recommendations to the Committee for endorsement.

In making recommendations to the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) on the re-appointment of Board members, the Nominations Committee reviews among other factors, the members’ expertise, length of service, and their continued ability to commit time to contribute towards NVPC’s mission and vision. All Board appointments are approved by MCCY.

All Directors of the Board, including the Chairperson, shall be subject to rotation, but shall be eligible for re-appointment/re-election for a maximum tenure of 6 consecutive years, to provide an avenue for renewal and opportunities for other potential individuals to serve on the Board.

The Board Chairman’s term is separate from the Board member’s term. Should a Board member be appointed as a Chairman, that person’s term as a Board member will be renewed commencing from the date of appointment as Chairperson. A Board member shall not serve as Chairman for a continuous period of more than six (6) years at any one time except with the written approval of the Minister for Culture, Community and Youth.

There are no Directors who have served more than ten consecutive years. Our Directors do not receive any remuneration from NVPC.

Board Effectiveness

The Board of Directors tap on the BoardPulse diagnostic tool created by CNPL to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the Board.

BoardPulse creates an opportunity for the Board to look within themselves and ask, ”How are we doing as a Board?” as the starting point in a journey that the Board embarks upon together towards developing a board governance agenda.

The Board of Directors and management participates in an online survey, capturing their perspectives on the Board’s composition, experience, expertise, and effectiveness. The survey results are kept confidential and anonymous.


To familiarise Board members with the organisation and the non-profit sector, each new Director receives a digital onboarding kit to familiarise themselves with NVPC’s policies, processes, and organisation structure and is paired up with a buddy from the Leadership Team to be their go-to person for any questions on the organisation. The management provides quarterly updates at Board of Directors meetings to update the Board on the performance of key focus areas and new strategic initiatives.

Directors and Board Advisors are also invited to join the organisation’s events and webinars to help increase their understanding of the opportunities and achievements of the sector. In collaboration with CNPL, Board members are also invited to webinars and talks to increase their knowledge of the sector (e.g. Board Connect Series).

Board Meeting Attendance

All members of the NVPC Board are expected to attend Board meetings every quarter, or as required.

Please refer here for NVPC’s Annual Reports, which contains our Board meeting attendance.

Board Advisors

Board Advisors are appointed to fulfil the following purposes:

a. Provide strategic guidance to NVPC Board so that the management can continue to advance the organisation’s vision, mission, and strategic initiatives

b. Advise, mentor, and provide continuity to management in critical business areas and/or strategic projects

The Advisors are appointed by Chairman and are invited to attend Board meetings held quarterly. They do not have voting rights and legal responsibilities. The term for Advisors is tied to the Board term and they will serve two years per term.

Board Committees assist the Board of Directors to advise the Board in carrying out its functions and exercise of its powers.

Members of the Board Committees are carefully selected to ensure a diverse range of views and experiences is captured amongst its members.​ Each Board Committee has Terms of Reference which are approved by the Board. Board Committees provide updates and reports of their decisions to the Board on a quarterly basis.

To enhance corporate governance, the Board appoints Directors to chair the following committees:

Executive Committee

The purpose of the Committee is to formulate and provide oversight of policy, strategic and financial matters. It also provides oversight of Corporate Governance such as Board & Committees’ structure, size, skills, composition and renewal plans, in relation to the Constitution. It reviews the appointment of any Board Director and Committee Member, and evaluates the CEO performance.

Nominations Committee

The purpose of the Committee is to review the structure, size, skills, and composition of the Board in relation to the Constitution; and to review the appointment of any Board Director. ​

Audit & Risk Committee

The purpose of the Committee is to assist the Board in overseeing risk management and internal control concepts to safeguard and protect the assets and interests of NVPC. It reviews and approves the appointment of internal and external auditors, audit plans, and endorses the audited financial statements before they are presented to and approved by the Board.

Finance Committee​

The purpose of the Committee is to oversee the finance function of NVPC and ensure strong corporate governance. It advises, approves, and endorses finance policies for implementation. It also provides advice and guidance on financial matters.

Digital Committee

The purpose of the Committee is to advise NVPC on harnessing technology in building its digital platform to enable a leading, smart, giver-centric national giving ecosystem.

Human Resource Committee

The purpose of the Committee is to assist the Board in fulfilling the Board’s oversight responsibilities in the areas of recruitment, manpower planning, staff development, staff appraisal, remuneration, termination, and other key human resources matters.

Directors of the Board and staff of NVPC are required to make annual conflict of interest declarations and disclosures.

Apart from the annual declaration exercise, all staff are required to inform HR and Finance in writing as soon as they are aware of potential conflicts of interest when managing prospective vendors or partners in the course of work. In such cases, they will also abstain from decision-making and assignment of contracts to vendors.

Similarly, Directors are also required to update the Board Secretary if there are changes to their appointments and abstain from participating in discussions and voting where there is a potential conflict of interest.

NVPC maintains a steadfast commitment to upholding a high standard of accountability and transparency. As part of this commitment, NVPC consistently provide accessible information about our programs, operations, financials, Board, and management through multiple channels such as annual report, website and social media platforms.

Please refer here for NVPC’s Annual Reports, which contains the latest Governance Evaluation Checklist.

NVPC does not have staff who are close members of the family of the CEO or Board of Directors.

The annual budget is reviewed by the Finance Committee and approved by the Board prior to the start of each financial year and regularly monitored.

NVPC has put in place a Finance Policy & Procedures Manual for financial matters in key areas including procurement, petty cash, reserves management, payments, and income & receipts, etc.

NVPC is dedicated to providing transparent and reliable information regarding its financial statements, and prioritise the disclosure of audited statements, which undergo a rigorous review process to ensure accuracy and fairness. The commitment extends to complying with the requirements set forth by regulatory bodies to maintain the highest standards of financial reporting.

The purpose and amount of restricted funds are disclosed in NVPC’s Audited Financial Statements. NVPC’s restricted funds primarily originate from grants, and we adhere to the terms, including the designated timing of use, as outlined in the funding agreements or any other specified conditions.

Please click here for NVPC’s Audited Financial Statements, which contains the independent auditor’s report.

NVPC’s income are mainly from grants received from MCCY. Other income include NVPC’s services, Sponsorships, Donations, and other Grants from Tote Board and other Ministries.

NVPC does not conduct fundraising activities for its operating expenses.

NVPC incorporates systems that address employee communication, fair practice, performance management, and professional development. The employee standards and guidelines are set out in the Employee Handbook, and this is made available to all employees. Employees of NVPC are also not involved in setting their remuneration. Changes to any HR policies, including compensation practices, go through an approval process that involves the HR Committee.

National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre (NVPC) was incorporated on 1 September 2008 as a Company Limited by Guarantee and registered under the Charities Act on 6 Nov 2008 with Institutions of a Public Character (IPC) Status.

NVPC has various policies to provide guidance to the management, including:

a. Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism

b. Conflict of Interest

c. Communication

d. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)

e. Information/Document Security

f. Information Technology

g. Investment

h. Privacy

i. Whistleblowing

The reserves are the unrestricted funds available to NVPC. NVPC receives funds on an annual basis and the unrestricted net operating expenditure will be planned accordingly.

Unutilisied funds for each year are transferred to the reserves of NVPC. Utilisation of reserves is determined by the Board.

Please click here here for NVPC’s Audited Financial Statements, which contains our latest reserves ratio.

NVPC strives to attract and work with its volunteers who use their professional skills, experience, or networks to strengthen the capabilities or support ita projects.

The Volunteer Management Guide outlines NVPC’s volunteer management process, including recruitment, onboarding, retention, and recognition of its volunteers.

NVPC is committed to the highest standards of honesty, transparency, ethical and legal conduct, and accountability. The whistle-blowing policy serves to promote standards for good financial and corporate practices and deter wrongdoing, provide transparent avenues for employees to raise concerns about suspected improprieties, and give staff the assurance that they will be protected from potential reprisals or victimisation for acting in good faith.

Concerns should be raised in writing to the NVPC by emailing [email protected]. NVPC expects the whistle-blower to provide his/her concern in good faith and to show that there are sufficient grounds for his/her concern. All emails are private and confidential and are only accessible in the first instance by NVPC’s Audit & Risk Committee members.