Key Findings
Comparison of current landscape and revised code of governance
- As per the organisations’ policy, over 35% of organisations either exceed the maximum number of years or do not have a policy or defined period for their Treasurer’s maximum term limit;
- As per the organisations’ policy, 25% of organisations either exceed the minimum timeframe or do not have a policy or defined period before their Treasurer can be renominated or reappointed;
- As per the organisations’ policy, 64% of organisations either do not have a policy or defined period for their Chairperson’s maximum term limit; -More than 70% of organisations disclose their Board members and Board appointments in their annual report. However, less than 1 in 4 report the number of Board meetings annually and attendance.
Promote and enable board diversity
- 78% of organisations recruit through personal networks, resulting in low Board diversity;
- Most Board members fall within age brackets of 41-60 years; -Females make up 31% of Board members, which is higher than that of the for profit sector;
- 67% of organisations have not undertaken a self-assessment of the Board’s diversity in the last two years.
Promote and enable Board succession planning
- 61% of organisations have a Board succession/renewal plan but have not formalised this process.