Presenting…’s New Logo!

By National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre  /
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We thought that we had all 14 causes covered but we guess not! Read more to find out what we have added for a more exciting is a safe, easy, and fun platform for giving and we are introducing a new cause to stay true to the element of fun that we strive to provide. And the new cause is…..Otters!

Presenting’s new logo design

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After much intense deliberation and thorough research, here are 3 reasons why Otters have made it to our list of causes.

1. Otters Represent Singapore (National Symbol)

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Photo Credit: Benard Photojournals

For SG51, Straits Times readers chose Otters to represent our Nation.¹

Otters surpassed Singlish and the Singaporean Passport among other items as the icons to represent Singapore.

Otters will be our new mascot to galvanise giving and create a more Giving and Caring nation.

Singaporeans already care – they care about the otters to follow their movements, family feuds and even follow charity initiatives, groundups and volunteer groups. These groups dedicate their own time and resources to follow the movements of our local Marina otters, Bishan otter family, etc. We aim to build this spirit of caring among our citizens in the form of getting behind Otters.

2. Otters bring people from all nations together

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From Europe to Asia, many have come all over the world to catch a glimpse of Singapore’s otters. BBC Earth covered our otters in their documentary “Cities: Nature’s New Wild” and Italian Nat Geographic photographer, Stefano Unterthiner, decided to follow the otters around Singapore and photograph them in their habitat.

Closer to home, Japanese Otter fan braved three days of rain before he saw the Bishan otter family up close. Thai travel vlogger, The Walking Backpack, also dedicated one day of his trip to scouting out Singapore’s otters.

3. Otters need to be protected to prevent extinction

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The smooth-coated otters were once thought to be extinct but they have since made a comeback and have resurfaced near water bodies such as Marina Bay and Bishan Park.¹

Although these otters have been living in highly urbanised Singapore, recent difficulties have surfaced such as suspected poisoning or otters injured by fishing equipment.

Will you do your part and give to Singapore’s otters –’s 15th cause?

Editor’s Note: This April (Fools), we would like to reiterate that this is written in the spirit of fun and just for laughs. However, help us spread the message of cute otters of how giving can be fun.