The Definitive Guide To Being A Giving Superhero

By National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre  /
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Always wanted to embrace your alter-ego and save the world? Here are 10 ideas on how you can be a superhero this giving season!

1. Small acts of kindness

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” Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.” Acts of kindness doesn’t have to be big to make a difference, and you can begin where you are.

These are some ways you can give:

  • Give up your seat on the train to someone who needs it more
  • Offer to pick up groceries for an elderly neighbour, especially in extreme weather
  • Create an acts-of-kindness wall in the office to encourage more small acts

One small, thoughtful gesture can make someone else’s entire day. And yours t

2. Pay it forward

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When buying a coffee to-go, or even dining at your favourite restaurant, giving can be so simple as paying for someone’s coffee. Did you know that at F&B outlets like APSN’s Mystical Cafe For All or even your neighbourhood coffee shop (De Tian Coffee Shop), you can “belanja” (hokkien for treating) someone and provide a warm meal for their tummies? Give the gift that keeps on giving.

3. Organise a clothes swap

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As the saying goes, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Go green and organise a clothes swap of your preloved items (that are still in good condition) with your friends. Who knows, you might find that perfect match or even a wardrobe refresh!

4. Get the party started

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This season, amidst the party and joyful vibes, don’t forget that you can also bring cheer to someone who might need it more. Embrace the festive season by throwing a Christmas party for a group of children from a charity, or inviting a less fortunate family from your neighbourhood to your home to enjoy a hearty meal together.

5. Start a fundraising campaign for your favourite charity

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Be creative, and try adding your hobbies with a fun giving twist. Angella’s favourite hobby is to bake. Every month, she has a charity bake sale, where bidders are encouraged to bid for her cakes. The highest bid will go towards a charity of her choice. Angella shares that “Just (donating) ourselves isn’t enough – I wanted to encourage other people to donate too and to do so I needed incentives for them. I thought that getting a cake on top of having tax relief will encourage people to donate more.”

You can simply make a simple donation online, or be like Angella – by rallying your family and friends to give back as well.

6. Greet someone with a simple “Good Morning”

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Mornings can sometimes be not be the easiest time of day – waking up on the wrong side of the bed or not having that much needed caffeine boost, but a cheery smile and a simple “Good Morning” might be all it takes to turn things around. Whether it’s greeting someone you meet in the lift or an acquaintance at school or work, a little can go a long way.

7. Volunteer for an animal shelter… or even volunteer WITH your pet!

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Many of these animal shelters need volunteers to help upkeep the shelters, groom the animals and take them on walks. If your passion is in helping these furry friends, head down to an animal welfare organisation to get started. What’s more, you can now even volunteer YOUR pet as a therapy animal, if their temperament and disposition is suited for it.

8. Donate blood

One of the most useful ways to directly impact another life is to donate blood. Did you know one pack of blood can save three lives? Every drop of blood matters and you can play your part to give back today. Explore any of the four Blood Banks in Singapore and simply walk in to donate.

9. Say thank you and write a note of appreciation for someone

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When was the last time you sent a hand-written thank you note? Make someone’s day and send one today. Drop a text, send an encouragement, or simply mail a thank you card to someone who has supported you in one way or another.

10. Share the #goodvibes on social media

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A simple social media post or campaign to spread YOUR cause can encourage the spirit of giving in others too! Be loud and let it inspire anyone and everyone in your orbit.