5 things you can do to help save our planet

By National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre  /
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One day in March every year, the world observes Earth Hour, when individuals, malls and companies are encouraged to turn off non-essential lights from 8.30pm to 9.30pm. But there’s more that you can do to help save our planet.

1. Turn off your computer when not in use

By turning off your computer instead of leaving it in sleep mode, you can save 40 watt-hours per day. That adds up to 4 cents a day, or $14 per year.

If you don’t want to wait for your computer to start up, set it to turn on automatically a few minutes before you get to the office, or boot up while you’re making your morning kopi.

2. Print on both sides of the paper

Over 1.26 million tons of paper are thrown away here every year, making paper one of the most common types of waste generated. What is also worrying is that the recycling rate of paper in Singapore has dipped.

To do your part to cut down paper waste, print on both sides of a piece of paper. This is especially important when printing in the office, where more paper is usually used. So, change your printer settings now!

3. Use recyclable bags

About 500 billion plastic bags are consumed worldwide every year. Plastic bags are non-biodegradable, meaning even when disposed of properly, they can still take over 1,000 years to break down. Marine animals and birds often mistake them for food, and end up choking.

Why not use recyclable bags instead? They are much stronger and your fingers would hurt less carrying them!

4. Save a wild animal

What do you do when you see a wild snake in your garden? Don’t panic! A big misperception is that all snakes are venomous and attack people. On the contrary, they do so only when cornered or handled inappropriately.

So the next time you see a snake, or any wild animal, keep calm and call ACRES’s 24-hour Wildlife Rescue Hotline at 9783-7782.

5. Go vegetarian once a week / month

Did you know that 2,500 gallons of water is required to produce one pound of beef? How about taking the meatless pledge and going for greens once a week or month? It’s good for the environment and also healthier for you!