Ang Chin Moh Funeral Directors, set up in 1912, also engages in charity work by providing those who are alone at the end of their lives a dignified funeral.
It is said that death is the great leveller. For the beneficiaries of Ang Chin Moh Funeral Directors Pte Ltd (ACMFD), this couldn’t be more true. These beneficiaries could have been prominent or unknown, wealthy or poor. However, all these did not matter in death as they were alone, without their family members.
ACMFD is an exemplary company that has stepped up through their corporate giving efforts to take up the responsibility to provide Singaporeans with decent funeral care and dignity in death. “I believe it is every company’s responsibility to always be engaged and committed to community involvement,” says chief executive officer Debbie Andres. . .
To find out more about this Company of Good, visit The Business Times.