The Business Leaders’ Giving Network brings together senior representatives to advocate for doing good and to share insights on best CSR practices – how has the sharings worked out?
Profit with purpose – organisations must do good well, and strive to do good better.
SINGAPORE INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (SICC), At our co-hosted Business Leaders’ Giving Network session
We cannot emphasise enough the importance of management buy-in when it comes to doing good. In our Corporate Giving Survey 2017, we found that senior management interest drives a majority of organisations in doing good – after all, they call the shots when it comes to deciding the amount of resources (manpower, money, and so on) to invest in their giving initiatives.
Enter the Business Leaders’ Giving Network
Leaders are in the best position to influence others – especially other leaders as well! With the Business Leaders’ Giving Network, we let our Champions of Good and other leaders speak for themselves, and make the business case for doing good.
Aside from working with various Company of Good members interested in engaging their internal and external stakeholders in their giving journey, we also worked with trade associations and Chambers of Commerce (TACs) in engaging their members. To be able to meet and hear from other members on how they’ve structured and planned their giving, and to have a cosy platform to connect and ask questions – priceless!
Zero-ing in on the industries
Aside from hearing from the practitioners and members themselves on the philosophy behind why they do good, having industries together also help tremendously in growing your understanding of doing good in your specific landscape.
With our collaboration with Singapore Hotel Association (SHA), our Champions of Good Pan-Pacific Hotels Group and Fullerton Hotels spoke specifically about the hospitality industry – it’s the little acts that go the extra mile for consumers, and that holds true in doing good.
Despite carrying out different activities – Pan-Pacific Hotels Group has been practising inclusive hiring since 2014, while Fullerton Hotels launched their Fullerton Academy to impart skills and lessons to youth-at-risk – both shared the same positive ripple effect that giving had on staff. With more exposure and experience to these initiatives, staff became more empathetic and compassionate at work, which spilled into their service to guests, too!