A Lookback at 2018

By National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre  /
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What a ride it has been for our Giving Family last year. Join us as we throwback to our favourite moments in 2018 and cheers to a great year ahead!

What a ride it has been for all of us at Giving.sg in 2018! Take a trip down memory lane with us as we round up some highlights below.

Last year, we have…

Giving tribe 190117 155622

33,755 people added to our Giving Tribe. Thank YOU for being part of our big Giving Family! Be it donating, volunteering or simply sharing the word, we couldn’t have done it without you. Together as a collective family, we have raised over $29.6 million together and helped over 517 charities, causes and communities… and counting!

Something new, something good

Monthly giving

We rolled out the new Monthly subscription feature earlier in March to make your giving even easier. Donating monthly to your favourite charities and deepening your impact is now as easy as one click.

Came along for the ride

Giving train

We had our first ever Giving Train this year, from July till August. Did you spot it while communicating on the Downtown line?

Most read Giving Story

Amanda story

We brought you heartfelt stories from the community last year, and the story that resonated most was Amanda’s life adventure, where she shares what it’s like to have a sister with a Rare Disorder. Kudos to this teen with an extraordinary outlook and never-say-die spirit. Enjoy the read here.

Making Gifting meaningful, again

Christmas giftstarter

This year, we launched our first ever Christmas campaign. With all your help, we managed to fulfil the wishes of five of the seven charities and counting! Head on here to continue helping the other two charities to hit their #givinggoals.