Happy birthday, #CityofGood!

By National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre  /
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As Singapore turns 52, we ask Singaporeans to what makes Singapore a #CityofGood.

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A #CityofGood is one that rekindles the ‘gotong royong spirit where all Singaporeans live harmoniously together, in a city for all races, religion, culture and language, and embracing each other’s differences. A City of Good with Citizens of Good!” – Shawn Soh, grassroots leader

“A #City of Good is a gracious place where we readily help friends and strangers.” – Ngiam Tong Yuen, President’s Volunteerism & Philanthropy Category (PVPA) 2015 Award Winner, Senior Category

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“A #CityofGood is where people don’t simply focus on individual gain but on the greater good of society, coming together not just help those in need but to make the human race kinder and more compassionate

 Catherine Loh CEO, Community Foundation of Singapore

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A #City of Good is not one that merely gives, but more importantly, it must be one that is able to empathise. Evil is afterall the lack of empathy.” – Mark Lee Managing Director, WMH Law Corporation

The empathy and courage to do good while doing business makes a City of Good.”– Henry Ang, senior business manager, Nippon Paint (Singapore) Co. Pte Ltd


Where people know that they can make someone’s day, no matter the action or scale.” – Chua Rui De, co-founder of social enterprise Mobearlize

“As an individual or a single company, we can only do so much. But if we join forces and collaborate, we can work wonders. Community support is vital to the sustainability of our corporate giving project and we hope more like-minded people will step forward to be part of City of Good.”– Ang Kian Peng, director, Samsui Supplies and Services, PVPA 2016 Winner (Corporate SME Category)

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“With increased social awareness, a compassionate #CityofGood will be born.” – Desiree Leung, human resources executive

“A City of Good takes care of the Least, the Last and the Lost.”

– Kok Hwa, ExpertMatch volunteer with Centre for Non-Profit Leadership


“To me, a #CityofGood is made up of a vibrant, inclusive and compassionate society where collaboration is key to progress.” – Sarah Mohd Abdul Muhaimin Ong, manager, Citi Singapore

“A #CityofGood is made up of compassionate hearts that connect one another.” – Gina Ong, community gardener


“Definitely the people. Their diversity, openness and willingness to share their culture with you. It’s a city where you can find people who make it a home. We’re small enough to see how our actions make an impact, and big enough to make a difference that matters.” – Hai-Xiang Fuan, works for ANZ, has lived in Singapore for six years

“A #CityofGood to me is when all of us do good in this country, be it something meaningful or even help one another whenever we need help… It can extend even out of Singapore.” – Shah Operation, assistant

“Singapore is my home and it is only right for me to safeguard and protect it.” – Chua Wei Hao, police officer

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“Good people make a #CityofGood.” – Michelle Low, air stewardess

“There are 3 Cs that make a City of Good. Be Constructive — in all we think, do or say, strive to build others up, rather than to tear them down. Be Conscious of ourselves and people around us as unique human beings to be respected, valued and cherished. Be Considerate – care for others and be gracious to one another” – Tan Swee Heng, leadership coach and author

“I envision a #CityofGood where giving is embedded in our everyday lives. A city without walls; when individuals look beyond their own needs and take time to stop for others naturally and purposefully. I wish to see Singapore known for her selfless and generous nature where giving is not an afterthought or obligation. This is possible because of the innate goodness in all of us that we can choose to shine and share with joy.” – Melissa Kwee CEO, National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre


“A #CityofGood is one where people are less self-centred and strive to make our community a better place through all their actions.” – Ashik Ashokan, project director of Heart2Climb, a duo team who climbs mountains for social causes

“For me, a #CityofGood is one in which we live in gratitude and generosity, both in spirit and deeds. The culture of giving and inclusion is as deep a tradition that defines our people and institutions as history, race, religion and economic progress. In such a city, I see acceptance and integration, not mere tolerance and co-existence, between different groups of our society. A #CityofGood is also one that gives beyond its city limits – in our case, beyond our shores – for we know we can only rise by lifting others with us” – Anthea Ong, curator of A Good Space

“It’s honor and glory to be able to serve and reach out. Servant leadership is to develop a capable team to reach out to serve those in need.” – Willie Tan, board member, Just Parenting Association & Habitat for Humanity

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