The Best Father’s Day Gift Ever

By National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre  /
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This Father’s Day, we peek into the lives of 3 Fathers and their families: Eddie from a gangster to father at 40; Suan Joo who sees fatherhood as a new beginning and Thomas who is still learning day-by-day to be a father.

Eddie Ang, 45, father of two boys

At age 13, he became a Gangster. At age 40, he became a Father.


He aint heavy, he’s my son. Fatherhood means responsibility to me. It is easy giving birth, but tough being a parent.


Did you know? I got married on my birthday (laughs)!

The best Father’s Day gift was this marriage, and the kids.

I never imagined myself to be a husband, much less a father, with my background. However, today I am happily married and a father of 2. That to me is a dream come true.


I show love and affection for my kids by hugging them, playing with them, providing for them, even disciplining them if necessary. When I was young, I was very lost as I was not disciplined by my parents. Hence I grew up not knowing what the right way was. This is a lesson that I paid dearly for (with seven imprisonment terms, including four times in the Drug Rehabilitation Centre), so I would like to impart the right values to my kids.


I would like to teach my kids the value of contentment.

Right now, my kids are still young – however when they grow older, my wife and I would like to bring them to do volunteer work for the elderly and teach them to serve.

Tan Suan Joo, 56, father of two

Father’s Day is a new beginning for him.


I never thought I would ever be a Father, as I carried my baby boy for the 1st time, 11 years ago. The feeling was indescribable.


Our childhoods differ so much. These days, there is this presence of instant gratification in our world. When I was a kid, we had to wait at the dinner table for a drumstick to be even given to us. Now, there’s no need as food choices are so easily available.


I would like my kids to have discipline and to cherish themselves.


The most memorable moments for me are the ones that I spend with my kids, be it eating their favourite char siew roasted meat rice, going for a run or even heading to Malaysia for a day trip.


Suan Joo is seen here, with a picture of his daughter receiving a scholarship on stage.

When they were younger, they made cards for me. The best cards though, are the report cards. When I was younger, I didn’t do well in my studies. I dropped out of school after Primary 6 and hit the streets.

The best Father’s Day gift I can receive is when my kids do well in their studies.They are like a new beginning for me.

Thomas Chan, 38, father of two

Fatherhood is “I’m sorry” and “I love you”.


Every moment of Sunday is important, as it’s the only free day I have during the week while I’m in The New Charis Mission (TNCM) halfway house program. I spend the Sunday with my kids. Be it our “no holds barred” open talks at MacDonalds, where my son asks and shares with me about his week, or swimming together with him and his sister.

Father’s Day? It’s just like any other day. Even though I have been a Father for so many years, I only celebrated Father’s Day these two years.


What I would like to say to my son is “Sorry” and “Please forgive Daddy”.

When my son first saw me after five years of not meeting, he came to hug me. He is a wonderful child, even after everything that has happened. He taught me about the unconditional love and forgiveness of a child. Because of my kids, I am now willing to give, rather than take.


I only learnt how to show love and affection to my kids last year when I was just released. I am still learning to affirm them through encouraging words, to be present in their lives and help them.
For example, I spent an entire Sunday afternoon preparing for my son’s Chinese exam the next day, even though both our Chinese were not very good (laughs). He actually passed his exam after three years of not passing with my help! It felt so good to know that my efforts were not wasted.


I have to learn to do what they are doing so we can connect.

Recently, he even taught me to play Clash Royale (a mobile video game popular with children these days), and we even created a clan together! I think I am doing a good job of learning what my kids do.


The best Father’s Day gift is the reassurance that my son is behind my back, supporting me all the way.

Special Thanks to our photographer Abraham Foo for these pictures. (@elevated_reform).