Leaders Of Good

Leaders Who Raise Up Other Leaders For Good

Being a good leader isn’t just about developing more followers. It’s about developing others to become leaders so we can create change together. If leaders shift their focus from maintaining status, power and control, to empowering others to do good and build trust in society.  

Whether you are a corporate leader or community leader, you can pave the way for a better future together.

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Our space to nurture non-profit leadership capabilities through the development of communities and collaborations. 

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BAGUS Together is a tripartite collaboration among NVPC, Temasek Foundation, and Tote Board to support potential changemakers and groundups start and sustain their initiatives through fostering collaboration, ease of access to resources, networks and other forms of support.

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Pioneered by NVPC and the Community Foundation of Singapore (CFS), Colabs is a community-based collaborative approach where diverse stakeholders come together to collectively unpack complex social issues and co-create solutions.


children and volunteers sitting in a circle and flopping around on the floor

Stay with Me – Social Workers Focused on Children and Youth are also Trusted Members of Families

Children and youth need face-to-face human interaction to process complex emotions or risk developmental challenges as they grow up. A visit. A chat. A person ...
indian man wearing a dark blue shirt posing in front of a light blue wall

How Covid-19 Is Affecting Singapore’s Children and Youth

Charities in Singapore rethink their outreach programmes to help our youth overcome socio-economic, emotional and health problems. Beyond adult job losses caused by Covid-19, we cannot forget ...
two female volunteers cleaning up a bedroom and a kitchen

Redefining Community Service During Covid-19

With Covid-19 significantly affecting public volunteerism, there is an urgent need to think outside the box to contribute more than just cash to charities in ...
black and white photo of a two ladies talking and a little girl looking at her phone

Covid-19’s Impact On Singapore’s Social Service Charities

Encouragement, teamwork and support go a long way to boost social workers’ spirit. Along with the risks to physical health, Covid-19 threatens emotional wellness. Already on ...
youths in blue posing for a group photo with a black sign saying welcome to the friendzone

5 Young Singaporeans Who Inspire In Their Own Way

Is it always better to ‘wait’ for more experience and wisdom? Here are 5 young Singaporeans who defy expectations and inspire others to believe in ...
three playwrights posing in front of brick wall

Arts Groups Persevere With Digitalisation and Innovation

Arts and heritage groups have turned to technology to adapt and reach new audiences during the Circuit Breaker. Despite the challenge transposing a “live” experience ...
stalk of plant in front of yellow building

Keeping Singapore’s Arts and Heritage Alive

As many businesses grapple with hits to income, arts and heritage groups fight to stay afloat financially, while tackling the broader dialogue of why they ...
three men one woman and a dog

How These Singaporeans Save Animals

Mohan Div and Cathy Strong co-founded Animal Lovers League in 2002. They share the trials and triumphs of running a “no-kill” shelter through amazing stories ...
schoolchildren collecting water from a row of pipes

How This Singaporean Lifts Up Our Foreign Neighbours

An electrical engineer who trained to be a water engineer. An innovator who builds houses with rice-bags. These are just some of the ways to ...
origin stories charity edition vintage photo of kindergarterners in yellow shirts

Investing in the Young

Ever heard of the proverb ‘it takes a village to raise a child’? For 4PM to come into being, it took four unstoppable youths to ...