The President’s Volunteerism and Philanthropy Awards (PVPA) 2024 Opens for Nomination

By Samantha Yeo  /
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SINGAPORE, 5 June 2024 – The National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre (NVPC) announced the call for nominations for the President’s Volunteerism & Philanthropy Awards (PVPA) 2024. Now in its 12th edition, the PVPA represents the highest accolade for individuals, organisations, leaders, and cross-sector partnerships that have achieved excellence in giving and contributed towards creating a more caring, inclusive and compassionate society in Singapore.

Key Details:

  • Duration:  Nominations are open from now to 3 July 2024.
  • Objectives: The PVPA 2024 seeks to recognise and celebrate individual and collective efforts by different segments of society in building a City of Good. Closely aligned with NVPC’s theme this year of reimagining philanthropy, it also aims to celebrate a broader perspective of giving. Moving beyond the conventional definition of giving as being limited to volunteering and donating money, we recognise giving excellence where Everyone can give Everywhere and Every Day (3Es), contributing their Time, Talent, Treasure, Ties and Testimony (5Ts).
  • Categories:  The PVPA will confer awards in 10 categories across four pillars: People of Good (POG), Organisations of Good (OOG), Leaders of Good (LOG), and the prestigious City of Good (CTOG) Award.
CITY OF GOOD AWARD – Cross-sector partnerships that have achieved significant and sustainable impact, resulting in lasting contributions to society.  
PEOPLE OF GOOD – Everyday individuals who are exceptional givers and have contributed their time, talent, treasure, ties and testimony to create a positive impact in society.  

Award Categories:
– Student (16 and below)​
– Open (17-64)
​- Senior (65 & above)
ORGANISATIONS OF GOOD – Organisations that are active contributors in the community and creating impact in alignment with the Corporate Purpose Framework.  

Award Categories:
– Large Enterprise
– Small & Medium Enterprise
– Public Institution
– Non-Profit Organisation
LEADERS OF GOOD – Exceptional changemakers who have led, mobilised and inspired others to devote their time, talent, treasure, ties and testimony to  multiply their impact in society.  

Award Categories:
– Youth (35 and below)
– Adult
  • Results: The results will be announced in the fourth quarter of 2024, and the recipients will be conferred the awards by the President of the Republic of Singapore at a prestigious ceremony attended by key leaders and important stakeholders in the giving landscape.

Media Opportunities:

  • Interviews: Interview opportunities are available with PVPA 2023 winners.

Call to Action: We invite the public to nominate outstanding individuals, leaders, and organisations who exemplify exceptional dedication to creating positive impact in the community through acts of giving. Nominations for the PVPA are open from now to 3 July 2024. Kindly refer to for more information on the PVPA 2024 and the nomination process.

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About National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre (NVPC)

NVPC is the national agency dedicated to promoting a culture of volunteerism and philanthropy. By convening individuals, organisations, communities and leaders across the people, private and public sectors, we seek to create a more caring, inclusive, and compassionate society. Together, we envision Singapore as a City of Good, where everyone is able to give their time, talent, treasure, ties and testimony every day and everywhere. Learn more at

About the Presidents’ Volunteerism & Philanthropy Awards 

The President’s Volunteerism and Philanthropy Awards (PVPA) is the pinnacle award and platform to recognise individuals, organisations, leaders and cross-sector partnerships that have achieved excellence in giving. These awards represent the highest honour for giving to the community and are conferred by the President of the Republic of Singapore. It is organised annually by the National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre (NVPC), with support from the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY).