People Of Good

People Who Care, and Act For Others

Little acts, when multiplied by millions, can make a world of difference towards Singapore becoming the City of Good.

All of us were born to be good, and to do good. If our mindsets shift toward being more other-centred, we will realise that every person matters and each one of us can make a difference to others in so many ways, large and small. 

Together, let us become the #CityofGood! 

Donate, volunteer and fundraise with – Singapore’s largest online giving platform, as we make giving fun, simple and meaningful for you. Kickstart your giving journey, explore 14 causes with over 500 different local charities and give to the causes you’re passionate about today.

SG Cares Giving Week is a national movement that celebrates the spirit of giving and seeks to make giving part of our way of life. It is a time when brands, non-profits and people give and share their Time, Talent, Treasure and Voice to support any cause they are passionate about in all ways, big and small.

two girls volunteering at dog shelter
Play Video – Kids Try Volunteering at an Animal Shelter

In our 2-part 'Little Humans of' series, we send Kylie and Megan to find out more about different causes in Singapore. Join them as they discover more about volunteering with animals at SPCA // SUPPORT ANIMAL WELFARE //

man in blue shirt and woman in blue dress deep in discussion
Play Video

[Giving.Sg – Giftstarter] Give Meaningfully This Christmas

$20 can't buy you much... or can it? Rather than spend your holiday gifts budget on something generic, here are some ways you could give more meaningfully this Christmas. A small donation from you, a merrier Christmas for all.

Be Inspired By People Doing Good

thank you card featuring a snail with an abnormally large shell and a hat

Amid Covid-19, Singaporeans rally to donate over $2.2 million in February

Since the outbreak of the virus, national giving platform has amassed $2.2 million in donations – a year-on-year increase of almost $900,000. Does adversity ...
elderly man in long-sleeved grey shirt with blue collar singing into a microphone

Part of the Family

A day in the life of long-time volunteer, Ms Foo and elderly client at St Luke’s ElderCare Golden Years Centre, Mr Choi Shue. Remember dormitory ...
two yellow taxi signs against a dark blurry background

Life As A Homeless Man

Get an education. Get a job. Typical advice from parent to child, so one won’t end up homeless. Yet in David’s* case, he ended up ...
four people posing in front of a light blue wall that reads museum my queenstown

These Singaporeans are Our #GivingGoals

No actors, please. Our first-ever marketing campaign to promote the City of Good features real people who are transforming Singapore into a more other-centred, caring ...
income orangeaid woman in dyed brown hair giving a presentation on digital advertising

5 Minutes With Andrea Chong

The influencer with over 300,000 Instagram followers is better known for her posts on fashion, beauty and travel. Now, hear Andrea Chong’s views on how ...
collage of five photos featuring a christmas theme

Your Ultimate Guide To A Meaningful Christmas

Planning to celebrate Christmas in a fun yet meaningful way this year?Here’s how you can, in FOUR simple ways! Dine for others to shine Soak ...
collage of five photos featuring people in a conference

Empowering Seniors through Volunteerism Workshop

Keen to engage senior volunteers? Here are key insights and resources from NVPC’s workshop, “Empowering Seniors Through Volunteerism”. In collaboration with the Agency for Integrated ...
participants of conference taking a photo with DPM Heng Swee Keat

Through-train to Success

A Company of Good Fellowship networking dinner with a special guest and a special announcement – two Mentors of the Fellowship announcing their partnership for ...
little humans of two girls and a woman carrying a dog

Little Humans of Try Volunteering At An Animal Shelter

A giving spirit can be instilled regardless of how old (or young!) you are. Watch how these children become young animal advocates by interacting with ...
woman in hoop earrings and long-sleeved black shirt donating blood

People of Giving Week

Giving Week is all about contributing your time, talent, treasure and voice. What better way to demonstrate this than through shining the spotlight on some ...