Bicentennial Community Fund

What is BCF?

The $200M Bicentennial Community Fund (BCF) has been set up to encourage all to embrace the spirit of SG Cares by giving back to our community as part of the Singapore Bicentennial commemoration.

sg bicentennial logo

>> Newsflash! Qualifying Period for Eligible Donations has ended on 31 December 2020 and IPCs have up to 31 March 2021 to make their submission of their final reports.

Why have it

Announced in Singapore Budget 2019, the $200M Bicentennial Community Fund (BCF) is a one-off initiative that provides dollar-for-dollar matching for donations to IPCs, up to a cap of $400,000. Here’s why you should get onboard!

Be part of a movement to grow a caring culture

The BCF supports the SG cares movement to build a caring & inclusive home for all. Singapore’s Bicentennial year is also a great time to pay forward the spirit of care and contributions of our forefathers!

Double the impact of your donations

The BCF matches every dollar of your donations, up to a cap of $400,000 per IPC.

Support over 600 ipcs in singapore

With additional funds, IPCs can cultivate more donors and volunteers, explore new engagement strategies, and better serve the community.

Who Is It For


Individuals who care and want to maximise their donations to an IPC.


Organisations that care and want to maximise their donations to an IPC.

Institutions of a Public Character

IPCs can capitalise on BCF to cultivate more donors and volunteers and explore new engagement strategies such as digital giving.

How It Works?

  • Between 1st Apr 2019 to 31st Mar 2020, BCF will offer dollar-for-dollar matching for donations to Institutions of a Public Character (IPCs), up to a cap of $400,000 per IPC. <Qualifying Period for Eligible Donations has ended on 31 December 2020 >
  • BCF matching can apply to donations received through all payment modes including cash, cheque and e-payments.
  • To be eligible, IPC must be registered between 1st Apr 2019 and 31st Mar 2020.
  • In addition to BCF, donors can continue to enjoy 250% tax deduction for qualifying donations made to IPCs.
all you need to know about the bicentennial community fund flowchart
Updated BCF Timeline for Eligible IPCs
IPCs fundraising flowchart

Audit requirements

Organisations will be required to submit an unqualified, reasonable assurance audit report on the Eligible Donations that it received within the qualifying period. A template of the audit report and the Eligible Donations Statement has been included in the application pack.

IMPORTANT: Clarification on recognition of eligible donations

Donations will only be recognised when they are received into the organisation’s bank accounts. Committed or accrued donations will not be eligible if the donations are not received into the organisation’s bank accounts within the qualifying period of 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020. IPCs must have a Live IPC status when the donations are received. Please be mindful of the date the donations reach your bank account and the corresponding time needed for bank administration.

Download the BCF Submissions Package >> Here (Updated as of 29 Apr 2020)

Download the factsheet >> Here

Download the flowchart >> Here.

Got questions? Contact Jansen Quek at [email protected] , or visit MCCY’s Bicentennial Community Fund page for more information.